Two-phase further training (WAB)

Since 1 December 2005, the following rule has applied. Anyone who submits an application for a category A (motorbikes) or category B (cars) learning driving licence for the first time will receive the driving licence on probation after passing the test. After attending the further training course, you will receive an unlimited licence after three years.

If the driving licence is revocated during the first three years, the probationary period is extended by one year. The possible second revocation would lead to the cancellation of the driving licence. The new application would then have to be accompanied by a traffic psychology report.

Duration: WAB courses of 7 lessons each. Course times from 08.00 – 16.15.


Content of the WAB course

Learning driving licence received before 31 December 2019:
You must complete an additional training day within the first three years. The previous WAB 1 or the new day of further training applies. From 2020, the new day of further training is called only WAB course.
Keyfacts in brief
Learning driving licence issued after 1 January 2020:
You must complete one day of further training. The new day of additional training is called WAB course. You must attend the further training within 12 months after receiving the driving licence. If the WAB course is not attended within the 12 months, a fine must be expected.
Goal of the WAB course
The obligatory further training day provides the tools for early recognition of dangers in road traffic situations as well as the prevention of accidents. We will also develop your skills in environmentally friendly and partnership-based driving. The further training courses are conducted in group lessons by specifically trained moderators.

Do you have questions about the WAB course?

We are happy to help you!

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