Pannenstreifenumnutzung (PUN)
Sven Meier, President of the Verkehrsschule Zug, gives a useful overview of traffic rules and situations. Don’t hesitate to reach out to him if you have any questions, as he will be happy to provide you with helpful advice.
Our national road network experiences thousands of hours of congestion each year, primarily caused by traffic congestion. To combat this issue, the Federal Roads Office (FEDRO) has implemented the use of breakdown lanes (PUN). This approach involves converting breakdown lanes on heavily congested sections into temporary or permanent traffic lanes during peak periods. PUN sections are equipped with a traffic monitoring system and specialised signalling equipment, with cross-arrow signals above the roadway indicating the operating status of the lanes.
Possibilities and limits of PUN
PUN is a traffic management measure that can be implemented without requiring excessive structural adjustments. It is an advantageous solution, as it can be deployed more quickly than structural extensions and is therefore suitable as an interim measure for heavily congested sections, such as between two freeway junctions. However, if the breakdown lane is eliminated to make way for an additional traffic lane, appropriate measures, such as speed reduction, construction of emergency stopping bays and traffic monitoring, must be taken to compensate for any resulting safety deficits. The benefits of reusing a breakdown lane as a traffic lane must outweigh any potential negative impacts.
Improved safety and reduced environmental impact
With the additional lane and reduced speed, traffic flows more evenly and smoothly on PUN routes. Lane changes at entrances and exits cause fewer obstructions, and the risk of stalled traffic and traffic jams with dangerous braking and acceleration manoeuvres is significantly reduced. These benefits not only decrease the risk of accidents but also lower noise levels and pollutant emissions.
Positive experiences at home and abroad
PUN has shown positive results in Switzerland, which is consistent with similar experiences abroad. Countries such as Germany, Italy and the Netherlands have also implemented the temporary conversion of breakdown lanes. In Switzerland, PUN was first put into operation on the A1 between Winterthur-Ohringen and Oberwinterthur at the beginning of 2020. Additionally, it is anticipated that PUN will be introduced between Winterthur-Töss and Winterthur-Nord in 2023. The expansion is expected to improve traffic flow throughout the Winterthur area, as well as enhance safety on this section of the road.
Rules of conduct on PUN tracks
- Drivers are allowed to cross the extended edge line to switch from the normal right-hand lane to the released emergency lane and vice versa.
- Overtaking to the right, or changing lanes to the right, passing and changing lanes to the left, is not permitted on a cleared breakdown lane, just as it is not permitted on freeways in general.
- When the emergency lane is open, vehicles entering the freeway can continue in their lane (acceleration lane).
- Exiting traffic should change to the released emergency lane in good time and drive directly to the exit.
- Transit traffic should change from the released breakdown lane to the normal lane in good time before the first indication of the exit.
- In the event of a breakdown, if PUN is in operation, the driver should use the next emergency stop bay.
- In the event of an accident, drivers should follow the instructions displayed on the signal boards above the lane.
Source: Federal Roads Office (FEDRO), Bern
Video demonstrating how to drive correctly on a PUN: