Difference between stop signs and no right of way
Road safety: practical examples
In cooperation with the Verkehrsschule Zug, we present various traffic situations under the heading “From the field”. Using practical examples, we explain 1:1 the correct traffic rules.
Sven Meier, president of the Verkehrsschule Zug, provides information about traffic rules and situations. Do you have any questions or uncertainties? Do not hesitate to contact him and you will receive competent information.
In this first article of the new year, we would like to address a well-known and still not always in mind theoretical question about the right of way. According to the Swiss Council for Accidents (bfu), about 35% of all serious injuries in built-up areas are still caused by failure to yield the right of way.
The branching pictured here shows two intersecting side roads in Baar. The road shown across the junction (from left to right) has the right of way. The crossing road has a no right of way-sign on one side and a stop-sign on the other side.
How safe are you in the situation shown in this picture? Respectively; Are you still “up to date” in terms of right of way rules? Answer the following theory question and find out. One or more answers can be correct.
Which vehicle has the right of way?
a) The blue vehicle must stop completely at the stop-sign.
b) The red vehicle waiting at the no right of way-sign has right of way over the blue vehicle.
c) The blue vehicle waiting at the stop-sign has right of way over the red vehicle turning left.
Answer: a) and c) are correct.
The two priority signs differ essentially in their handling:
Art. 36 para.1, SSV: The sign “Stop” obliges the driver, to stop and give way to the vehicles on the road he is approaching.
Art. 36 par. 2, SSV: The sign “no right of way” obliges the driver to give way to the vehicles on the road he is approaching.
In the case of right of way, however, the two signs are equal, because all signs in road traffic are on the same hierarchical level.
Now, when these sings are equal, the right-of-way rule applies according to Art. 36, Para. 3, SVG, which states: Before turning left, oncoming vehicles must be given the right-of-way.
By the way, this rule applies to all road users. Regardless of whether it is a truck crossing a bicycle or a motorcycle crossing a bus. Because art. 14 para.1, VRV means: Who is obligated to grant the right of way, may not obstruct the right of way entitled in its travel. He must moderate his speed in good time and, if he has to wait, stop before the junction begins.