When does the direction indicator have to be set at all?
Now that we have learned again how to wash our hands properly, we will practice flashing in traffic next week 😊!
Communication takes place daily and worldwide in the most diverse forms. It always functions reciprocally between two or more partners. Whether in private or professional life; without well-functioning communication, misunderstandings quickly arise. Unfortunately, this is also commonplace on our roads because we motorists often communicate insufficiently or unclearly. How often have you observed that a direction indicator was not set? It has been forgotten, the correct handling is not known, or you have simply been too lazy.
A small twitch of the left hand would be enough; “the indicator” would be set and the traffic partners around would be able to see my intention better.
The law describes when the directional flasher must be set as follows:
In concrete terms, there are five situations in which the direction indicator must be used:
change of direction
Example: Leaving the roundabout square.
lane change
Example: After overtaking on the motorway, a lane change is made to the right lane.
Example: Overtaking a bicycle.
stopping at the roadside
Example: Stopping at the edge to let a person get out.
re-entering the traffic
Example: Driving away from a car park
If all road users were to follow the five points mentioned above, our daily traffic routine would already be much more relaxed, and our transport partners would be able to grasp our next actions earlier through clear communication. Many motorists already behave in an exemplary manner in this respect, but there is always room for improvement, e.g. by asking the simple question “Does the direction indicator help anybody?
Paul Watzlawick’s (communication scientist) theory is: “one cannot not communicate”. For him, behaviour and communication are inseparable, because the tone of voice, as well as the mi¬mics and gestures of both interlocutors form an essential part of any communication. In road traffic we have other ways of communication, such as lane design, speed, wheel position, line of sight or hand and light signals.
So, let us communicate even more clearly and distinctly.
Our road users thank us for it.